17 thoughts on “Farage Gets Questionable Donations and a Ferrari

  1. Mr Farage last night confirmed that Miss Ferrari had been living at his Chelsea house but said it was 'crackers' to suggest they were having an affair. He told The Mail on Sunday he 'knew her well' but was just helping her out with somewhere to stay.

    Un huh…

  2. "Asked if he had slept with her, he said: 'I'm not answering ludicrous questions, like have you ever held her hand, ever had dinner with her."

    No, you old wanker, the question is "Have you slept with her?" Did KaC coach you?

      1. Should we tell her that appearing on CNN to complain about haters not letting the story die is helping to keep the story alive?

  3. you know way more about chemistry than you should, sort of like me and electrical engineering. I miss MsAnthropesMr, he was always good for that kind of stuff too.

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