18 thoughts on “Wonkville Link Bracket Round 2 part 2

  1. After an extra day due to Wonkville being absolutely horrible yesterday, we're onto the second half of the second round. This time an extra day will be given on purpose because I will be in Columbus for the Final Four and we will all just hope that UConn wins while I'm there.

    (63) 79 Possible Cookbook Titles vs (34) Olivia Nuzzi heroically plumbs Bannon’s sartorial abyss

    (15) His work completed, James Comey is relieved of duty vs (47) MUSIC German metalheads construct beer pipeline for Wacken

    (7) That time a novice chief executive made a foolhardy promise, his erstwhile allies rushed to get it done—and it all fell apart in the end. vs (28) Gorgeous maps of Canuckistan

    (55) Cthulhu Fthrozen vs (23) Looks Like Muskrat Launch

    (62) The first person to lose a job in the 2017 NFL protests: Papa John! vs (30) Happy Thanksgiving, Wonkvillains!

    (14) Pus-Filled Hemorrhoid Wakes, Is Asshole vs (48) Who is shaving our cats?

    (8) Holy shit! Friday night news dump eleventy! vs (27) Good Godwin!

    (11) S P E C I A L P R O S E C U T O R vs (43) Soundtracks for Melania Trump’s East Colonnade Christmas Decorations

    Voting will go until Monday, at which point we'll be able to do entire rounds in one take.

  2. 1) 34 Olivia
    2) 15 Comey
    3) 7 It all fell apart
    4) 23 Muskrat
    5) 30 Thanksgiving
    6) 48 Cats
    7) 27 Godwin
    8) 11 Special Prosecutor

  3. (34) Olivia Nuzzi

    (47) MUSIC BEER

    (7) That time

    (55) Cthulhu Fthrozen in which C_R_ faces his former assistant C_R_ ,
    but C_R_ holds-on for the win

    (62) The first person

    (14) Pus-Filled Hemorrhoid

    (8) Holy shit! Friday night news dump

    11) S P E C I A L P R O S E C U T O R

  4. Cookbook
    Cat shavibg

    Thanks again snow for all the effort! #MWGA

  5. Looks like my teams haven't been doing so well so far, but WTF:

    79 Possible Cookbook Titles

    His work completed, James Comey is relieved of duty

    Gorgeous maps of Canuckistan in a shocking upset

    Cthulhu Fthrozen

    The first person to lose a job in the 2017 NFL protests: Papa John!

    Who is shaving our cats?

    Holy shit! Friday night news dump eleventy!

    S P E C I A L P R O S E C U T O R

  6. 1) Bannon's sartorial abyss
    2) Beer pipeline
    3) I'm with Cally- Maps for the upset
    4) Muskrat Love
    5) Papa John
    6) Pus-Filled Hemorrhoid
    7) Mueller FTW!
    8) Going for the Mueller vs Mueller in the sweet sixteen

  7. We have a tie right now in the cookbook titles vs Nuzzi/Bannon match so if anyone wants to chime in that hasn't already this would be a good time.

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